The Bringer Page 11
She looked up at Jerom with an impish grin. He folded his arms across his chest looking annoyed.
She kept up a monologue with the dog in a quiet, sweet voice and it moved over to her car reaching its paws up on the car door. She knelt down and lowered her hand slowly.
"Brynn," hissed Miranda.
Brynn ignored her and kept her eyes on the dog. It sniffed up at her hand so she lowered it just a little more and the dog opened its mouth and delicately placed one lick on her fingertips. She offered her whole hand to the dog to sniff which it did and then she petted the top of its head. It made a soft friendly bark, backed off the car and bounced on its front paws as if beckoning her to come down and play.
She slowly lowered herself off the car. Miranda opened her mouth about to say something but Jerom put his finger to his lips to quiet her.
"Hey boy, you are a boy aren't you," Brynn said looking under its belly. "Oh, yeah, he’s definitely a boy." The dog trotted up to her and sat down. She petted its head tentatively and it pushed against her hand. She then took both her hands and started rubbing the dog all over.
"You're just a sweetie aren't you? What a good boy. You got any food left in that pack of yours Jerom?"
"Uh, sure. You mean like crackers?"
"Perfect. Okay, baby, you're such a good boy. I'm just going to walk over to Jerom and get you a treat." She walked over keeping an eye on the dog and took the cheese crackers that Jerom had opened for her. She held out a cracker to the dog and it took a tentative step toward her.
Miranda squeaked a warning from her hiding place behind her knees. The dog very slowly lifted its muzzle and opened its mouth just wide enough to take the cracker. It then backed away and in one jerk of its head inhaled the entire cracker. It barked just once then sat down and cocked its head lolling its tongue at her if smiling.
"There we go, you're just a big cuddly bear aren't you," she said kneeling down and hugging and ruffing up its fur.
"What's your name?" Brynn looked at its tag. "Killer, how original. You guys need to come down and meet Killer here."
Miranda whimpered once then slid down off the roof of her car. She slowly approached Killer who wagged its tail at her. She reached down and petted it along its flank while Jerom petted the other side. Killer wriggled a bit reveling in all the attention.
"There see you just have to be nice and dogs and everyone can get along."
"That might be a bit of a generalization don't you think Brynn," asked Jerom.
"Maybe, but Killer here sure likes us."
"How'd you do that? You know…get him to calm down and stuff?" asked Miranda.
"Hmm, I don't know, I've just always been good with animals. Even like the chipmunks and birds in the woods behind my house love me.”
"You're a regular Disney princess aren't you?"
"Glad to have you back, Miranda," said Jerom.
She grunted, "What do we do now?"
Brynn pointed to the far side of the junkyard, "Let's try over there where the car smashing thing is."
Jerom looked where she was pointing, "There are some big stacks of flattened cars. They look heavy. If we can pull one of those stacks over that should make a lot of noise."
They started walking toward the stacks with Killer leading the way, running ahead then turning with a little bark as if to say they were taking too long.
Jerom stopped in front of a stack of about six cars, "This one looks good."
"Um, okay, how do I do this? I want to help, but I've never moved anything with my mind before," asked Brynn.
Miranda said, “Well, I’m going to actually picture myself standing in front of the cars and pushing them over. You know, really see it happening in your mind focus your powers and push. That’s how I do it anyway.”
Brynn figured she could do that. It didn’t sound too hard, so she kind of ground her feet into the dirt for traction and like Jerom and Miranda she extended her arms out like she was pushing against something. She looked at the cars thinking they didn't look that stable so they would probably fall over pretty easily. Then, she focused on the stack and concentrated. Nothing happened.
“Guys, I’m trying but nothing’s happening.”
“Miranda didn’t tell you how to pull in the energy around you. You have to stretch out your senses. Everything around us is filled with energy, the earth, the wind, grass and trees, people and animals. When you sense the energy, just try to pull it into yourself. Don’t take too much from any one thing though.”
Brynn tried to do what he said, stretch out with her senses.. At first she couldn't feel anything then it started to happen like the softest breeze. She could just barely feel the life around her. She tried to open herself up to these new sensations and was amazed at what came to her. She could sense the hum of the earth and the flow of the river. She felt a person walking their dog over on the next street. She sensed a wasp nest buzzing with activity. It was incredible to feel life and energy flowing all around her. She tried to do as Jerom said and pull little strands of energy, like the little threads that make up a woven cloth, from the life around her. She felt energy build up within her. Just when she thought she might ignite from all the energy coursing through her body, Jerom shouted through gritted teeth, “Now! Push, push hard!”
She tried to funnel the energy in her body out through her arms. She could actually feel a car panel under her hands even though they were standing twenty feet away from the stack. In her mind she leaned into the car, pushing against it.
Sweat broke out on her forehead and her scalp. She felt the drops running down her face and the back of her head. She looked at Jerom and saw he was slanting against nothing. Then she noticed she was leaning forward also as if she was pushing against something solid but there was nothing there. The stack of cars started to rock a little. She pushed even harder and her head started to pound with the pressure.
“We’ve almost got it, just a little more guys,” Miranda managed to say between ragged breaths.
The stack swayed back and forth. Brynn felt where Jerom and Miranda were pushing their energy into the cars and she realigned her efforts and shoved right where they were shoving.
She heard a scraping, sliding sound coming from the tipsy column of cars. She looked up and noticed that the cars were starting to move, but the top car was sliding towards them, not away from them like the rest of the column.
"I think we're too close. Those cars look like they may come at us instead of away from us," she said.
"You're right, we'd better," started Jerom just as the top car wobbled and started falling toward them. "RUN!"
The next three cars swayed back and forth and then came crashing to the ground and rolled almost on top of them. This only added to incentive to their pace. Killer kept up with them frantically barking. They ran all out until everything went still behind them.
Jerom slowed to a jog and then stopped altogether doubling over trying to catch his breath.
“I think,” he panted, “we’re okay.”
Miranda leaned across the back of her brother knocking them both over in the process. Brynn practically fell to her knees panting. She flopped over onto her back only to find herself nose to nose with a dog. Killer licked her chin and she reached a hand up to scratch at its muzzle.
“Good boy.”
Chapter 27
Jessica walked swiftly down the aisle of the train, the stalker demons striding behind her. The demons were dressed in loose fitting pants and tunics with hoods. Gloves just covered their hands with their claws retracted. People looked away as she moved by, which made her snort with amusement.
She looked at every passenger. She must find them, kill the kids and take the Bringer. She must satisfy the Master. Since Raymond reminded her, she couldn’t seem to get Nathan out of her mind. The screams lasted for days. After…the remains were unrecognizable as human. She stumbled and had to grab a seat to catch herself. She heard the snuffling of the demons behind her as they tested
the air for their prey.
As one, they turned as they felt a blast of energy from behind them. Then they all backed through the train to the last compartment, and she realized the energy had come from the town they had passed through several miles back. The smaller of the two demons picked her up, almost gently, while the other demon wrenched the train’s sliding door open. The conductor came running in, yelling for them to stop and the larger demon shoved him against the opposite wall, hard enough to knock him unconscious.
Jessica watched as the demon leapt from the speeding train with an agility that defied its immense stature. The second demon holding her then followed, landing so lightly that she was hardly jostled. Her demons sniffed the air like bloodhounds and started running back to the town. The miles sped by, consumed by their pumping legs.
Chapter 28
“That should do it,” Miranda said. “If they didn’t hear that, they’ll never find us and I bet they will find us quicker than we want them to.”
They were all leaning over trying to catch their breath. Brynn felt exhausted, but at least the pain in her head seemed to be going away.
"I'm soaked. I really need a shower," said Jerom.
"Me, too," agreed Brynn.
"Quit whining," said Miranda.
Jerom stretched out his muscles. “You’re right, we better go. But where should we go?”
Brynn wiped her forehead and pulled her hair up into a knot. She secured it and asked, “Can demons cross hallowed ground? I mean what if we find a church or graveyard or something, can they enter or is it like vampires and they can’t go in?”
“Good idea.” Jerom nodded his head. “Let’s go find us a church preferably a church that’s been around for a long, long time. Shouldn’t be hard in this area, it’s been settled since like before the revolutionary war.”
They made it back over the fence and started walking toward town, staying in the shadows as much as possible. The humidity was the worst part. Brynn missed the air conditioning of the train. It was like trying to breathe through water the air was so moist…and hot. She couldn’t seem to cool down after pushing so hard against the stack of cars.
They'd been walking for about an hour, but it felt as if they had been walking all night. She started to smell water.
"Is that a river?"
"Um, probably, it sounds like it. It is so hot. A swim would be sooo good," said Jerom.
"No time," cut in Miranda.
“I think we’re coming up on the main street. There has to be a church somewhere on the main street,” Jerom said.
They followed the road going through the center of town. An idyllic small New England town with saltbox houses, perfectly manicured lawns, flowers everywhere, little painted signs hanging from the businesses and a park in the center of town with a gazebo.
Miranda pointed down the street. “Look, how about that church?”
It was across and down about a block. They looked at each other and then they started jogging. Then they ran. Brynn looked over her shoulder, but didn’t see anyone or anything following them, it just felt like it. They slowed down at the edge of the church property and hid in the bushes. Brynn could smell the greenness. The bushes seemed to exude a touch of cool, which felt so amazing to her, just a little break from the dense night air.
Jerom scanned the church and the grounds around it. “Maybe we should try to find a way in, around the back of the church.”
“I’ll go check it out.” Miranda said.
She stuck her head out of the bushes and looked around before moving toward the church. She moved from shadow to shadow making no noise whatsoever. It was hard for Brynn to keep her in sight even though she had been watching her constantly since she started moving.
“How does she do that?”
“Yeah, I know, she’s good huh,” he said with a hint of pride in his voice. “It’s one of her gifts, like the visions. I wish I had it sometimes, like when I’m late coming home and I need to sneak past my parents. She never gets caught. I always get caught.” He snorted softly and Brynn looked at him.
There was just enough light filtering through the bushes to highlight the hollow of his cheekbone. The way the shadows played across his face made him look older than his seventeen years. He was really quite beautiful and before she could stop herself, she reached out and touched his cheek. She startled him and he turned to look at her. Her hand slid down his face to the curve of his jaw line. He laid his hand over hers and his mouth opened slightly. She could just see the very tips of his teeth as his lips parted and his tongue wet his upper lip. Her breath caught and whatever little bit of cool she felt coming off the bushes was engulfed by the proximity of this boy. He started to lean toward her and like a magnet, she was drawn in.
“Hey guys, I found a way to get in and it doesn’t look like anyone is around,” Miranda said returning looking behind her toward the building.
Jerom and Brynn jumped away from each other.
“Umm, yeah good, we’ll follow you,” Jerom said a little out of breath.
“Stay down, and follow right in my footsteps. Okay?”
She darted across the grounds, staying to the shadows cast by the church. Jerom and Brynn stayed right behind her. They ducked in behind the huge bushes planted up next to the church.
They moved as quietly as possible down the side of the church, staying between the bushes and the side of the building.
"The bushes are really thick. I don't think anybody can see us," whispered Miranda. "We just turn the corner here and you'll be able to see the back door. Stay in the bushes though, there's a light on at the door."
“I'll take care of the light," said Jerom.
Brynn watched Jerom. He got that look on his face that she associated with him working with his power and then the light went out. They crept up to the door, which was partly concealed by an overhang.
Miranda pulled Jerom up beside her at the door and said, “It’s locked. Deal with it?”
He nodded and again it took just a moment for the lock to turn, but since Brynn wasn’t very well concealed, it felt like forever. Miranda grabbed her arm and pulled her through the door. When she shut it, there was barely a sound.
They were in a very dark hallway. Brynn reached out for Jerom and found his shoulder. He shrugged her hand down off his shoulder to fit securely within his hand weaving his fingers through hers.
“Wait here while I see if anyone is around,” Miranda said.
It didn't take her long to search the building, "All clear," she said.
“What now?” Brynn asked. “Do we just wait for the bad guys to show up or do we move on?”
“I can feel them, they aren’t far,” Jerom said. Miranda stilled for a moment and then nodded in agreement with her brother. Jerom looked at Miranda and then they both turned and looked at Brynn.
"Why are you looking at me? I don't know what to do."
Jerom winced and Brynn realized she’d been squeezing his hand harder and harder while they’d been standing there.
"Sorry. Scared," she relaxed her hand a little. He nodded at her.
"Yeah, me too. I get more anxious every second," said Miranda.
“I can’t take this. We have to figure out some sort of plan before they get here,” added Jerom.
“What do you suggest, Jerom?” Miranda asked with a hint of frustration in her voice.
“Nothing. It's too late, they’re here,” said Jerom as he looked back down the hallway. They heard a distinct thump against the wood and Miranda motioned toward the sanctuary at the front of the building. They passed through double doors and into the large space. The chapel was shadowed, but the stained glass windows high up on the wall let in enough light for them to see by. There was an aisle down the center of the room and pews on either side. They ran up to the front near the altar and then Miranda pulled them down to hide between the benches.
“I thought we’d be safe here,” Brynn whispered. “I didn’t think they could come onto the
“The demons shouldn't be able to,” Jerom said shaking his head.
"What about Jessica?" asked Brynn.
"Who's Jessica?" asked Miranda.
"You know, that woman the cultist, the one who handles the demons."
"Oh. Yeah, there probably isn't any reason why she couldn't come right in. Great idea Brynn, let's go inside a church. Now we're trapped."
"Miranda, quit yelling at her. It’s not like you had a better plan. We need to do something," said Jerom.
Brynn heard the crackle of the flames before she noticed the smell which she found unusual. Shouldn’t it be just the opposite?
Jerom startled her out of her musings, "I think Jessica started the back door on fire."
"That's just great. The outside of this place may be made of stone, but the whole inside is paneled in wood. Then there's the doors and the benches and the floor. It won't take long before this whole building is engulfed in flames," said Miranda starting to cough.
“If we don’t do something soon, the demons won’t need to kill us, the smoke will,” said Brynn.
“Now would be a good time to call on your angel,” Miranda said while she watched the hallway.
“You’re right.” Brynn tried to focus like she did back at the car wreck. She felt herself calling for his help. Asking, pleading for his intervention. She formed a mental picture of him, trying to visualize the feathers of his wings, the blue of his eyes, the strong chest, arms and hands. She opened her eyes...nothing. She concentrated harder, sending a plea heavenward, but this time felt different as if no one was listening. She wanted to cry out in frustration.
“He’s not coming. He's supposed to come. Why isn't he coming?” she looked at Jerom and he gathered her in his arms.
"It's alright. There must be something else. What else can we do?' he asked.
Brynn pulled away from him and wiped her eyes. She took a breath and looked around her, “Let me see what spirits are around. I mean it’s a church, there must be lots of spirits around.”